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शहर से गुज़रते हुए

शहर से गुज़रते हुए देखा कुछ गगन-चुम्बी इमारतें अपनी शोख़ियों पर इतराती थीं किसी गुफ्तगू में मशगूल थीं वो पर मोटर के शोर में आवाज़ें ग़ुम हो जातीं थीं मैं ठिठका सोचा भला सीमेंट की ये मीनारें क्यों हैं यूँ बदगुमान क्या पा लिया इन्होंने जिससे मैं हूँ अनजान ? पूछा क्यों इस तरह अपनी ऊंचाई से तंज कसती हो इंसान का घरौंदा हो  क्या इसलिए ख़ुद को आक़ा समझती हो ? वो मुस्क़ुरा कर बोलीं अकेले ही यूँ बदज़ुबानी ? यहाँ है कौन तुम्हें अपना कहने को ? --- सन्नाटा --- मैंने उस ख़ामोशी में खोजे अपने पुराने साथी  बुलबुल , जुगनू , कोयल   पर सुना तो सिर्फ वो गन-शॉट  और ओट में छुपे कबूतरों की चीखें |  

Magic Wand of Advertising

The Magic Wand of Advertising Definitely, wonder-marketing! An advertisement without a human element, without a practical note and pure imagination gave one of the most lovable products, hard to forget, for sure. Who would not want to see another zoo-zoo belly-laughing, uttering some zoo-zooan language or may be cuddling with his girlfriend? I even fantasized a baby zoo-zoo. Vodafone’s idea of branding without a celebrity again grew immensely successful and has compelled the celebrity-surviving brands to reevaluate their strategies. Spending millions of bucks and bearing the starry tantrums is not doing wonders anymore. This revolution in the world of advertising has proved that an advertisement with a weak concept and popular face can not sustain. If we have a glance at the top TV commercials currently we will realise that the charm of a superstar is loosing. There was a time when the market kept buzzing over who was the next Pepsi brand ambassador, there were star-wars and a model be...

Bonds Need the Best

Bonds needs the Best Do you remember the days when every summer vacation was spent in your Grandma’s lap, mango trees went bare in a month, your cousins were your best friends and you could not wait for every JUNE. June was not just a month, but the celebration of relationship. Life has always been a continuing process. The transit of a flowering joint family to the petite nuclear family has been an unnoticed, but major change. The concept of joint family was at its peak in India once, but gradually due to better employability factor people began to migrate. This trend has only made Delhi develop into a thorough cosmopolitan city. The ex-President Dr. Kalam also advocated the joint family concept. “I am a promoter of joint family and children from these families are always bubbling with joy," Kalam said adding joint family is the best system to inculcate values of righteousness among children. India has been a country where the children live an independent life as soon as they sta...

The Jesus Brand

THE WORLD is of branding. No, it’s not marketing. Marketing has lost that ‘X-factor’. It’s branding now. Just have a fair glance at our local deities - Aamir Khan is brand perfectionist, Lalu is brand rural India, Shahrukh is brand metrosexual and the Stick Bebo is brand size zero. Everybody is feeding on their own brand, even living on it. Branding is the talk of the town. This trend has only created the demand of the mushrooming advertising agencies and brand promotion organisations.English artisan Josian Wedgwood was the first to build the modern business brand. Wedgwood was able to develop demand for his tablewares and command premium price over comparable tableware and other products. Those were the days of the 18th century when the term branding was not known. By the 1920s branding emerged as a discipline and a key tool of marketing in the world. Pioneers in the development of this discipline were Procter and Gamble and Lever Brothers.India remained out of this branding trend eve...